Monday, January 30, 2006

Pop suture

It's not particularly warm outside. In fact, there is a tiny little bite in the air today. This is good because I can wear my trademark plaid scarf and my brown skully. Still, it's warm enough for me to drive with my windows down and breathe everything in. I think if the temperature were five degrees higher, I'd feel perfect today.

I sense a lot of potential growing everywhere. Call it a side-effect of February, the melted snow, the wet lawn, Philip Seymour Hoffman's SAG Award...but I feel like things are waiting to get fresh.

I don't have much material for an entry today. But I did want to document the weather today because it feels notable. I sang in my car on the way to the library with my windows down today and I think I was smirking the whole way there. A few of the strangers that I passed where actually responsive--mostly men, but a few women as well.

I have been getting miffed at old people lately when I drive. I have bad ears so I usually have my music up at a moderate-to-loud level. I don't pump my bass or anything and I'm usually considerate at stop lights by turning down the stereo until I'm moving again. But I get some really dirty looks from older people who pass by in cars or on sidewalks. It pisses me off because I feel like I'm being judged. Like maybe they think I'm some hoodlum druggie chick or something. Even when I'm cranking Dean Martin I get weird looks. So today I unapologetically listened to "Sexx Laws" by Beck and then "Fit But You Know It" by the Streets at a decent volume and it felt great. I don't need to surrender my musical pleasure to a bunch of narrow, sour people.

I picked up some stuff at the library today:

Tom Petty: The Last DJ. I've been meaning to listen to this album in its entirety for a long while now. I was feeling pretty hippie-ish today so this is a testimony to that.

Lisa Loeb: The Way it Really Is. Lisa is my girl. I hope this album is as sweet as its cover.

Queen Latifah: The Dana Owens Album. I'm in love with Queen Latifah. Seriously I want to eat scones with her or something. She sings some standards on this one which should be a little bit of a departure from the days of "Unity." Ha.

Allison Moorer: The Duel. I've never heard of her. Her album cover intrigued me and that's pretty much all it takes to get me interested. I've been known to buy movies and CDs just because looking at them makes me feel good. I've got skills when it comes to snap-judgements. The first two tracks on this are so real.

Bamboozled. I enjoy this movie. Yesterday I watched 25th Hour again and I remembered how much I think Spike Lee is boss. I represent Tarantino too. I'll keep this movie away from Pulp Fiction on my bookshelf. Just like I put dividers between my Van Halen/Van Hagar albums.

The Cooler. I've wanted to see this movie since it was in our local art theater. Mmm Bill Macy.

Walker Percy's The Moviegoer. I've been looking for a follow-up novel to Sex, Drugs, & Cocoa Puffs. I wanted something different so this seemed like a good way to go.

I think if there were a movie made about my life, I'd want one of the following people to play me:
-Tina Fey
-Lisa Loeb
-Scarlett Johansson
-Thora Birch
-Miranda July
-Haley Joel Osment (because he really needs the work right now.)
Of course by the time I actually do something sweet that might warrant a biopic, most of these people will be too old. Hollywood sucks.

1 comment:

James said...

The Moviegoer is one of my all time favorite books. Walker Percy is amazing. I've read almost everything of his. I hope you're up on your kierkegard - however you spell his name - he's referenced quite heavily.