Monday, January 30, 2006


I've got weaknesses. Driving with the windows down, per my last entry, is one of them. You know what? I'm gonna make a list. So now all you evil-doers can easily thwart me/seduce me/make me cry at will. Any of this stuff will bring me to my knees:
1. The Cure
2. Rosati's Frozen Custard (particularly Key Lime Pie, Birthday Cake, and Apple Pie
3. Farinacci's pizza
4. Pineapple (the food, the smell.)
5. The following colors: Grey, green, black, brown, and pumpkin.
6. Hands
7. Flannel shirts
8. Guitars
9. Hot tea
10. Chai
11. Black Coffee
12. Being underneath anything
13. Dinner & Play (Instead of a movie)
14. Ellis Paul's music
15. Good lyrics
16. Poetry
17. Board games! (Even though I'm good at them, I can't say no!)
18. Being asked to do anything. I love to be ordered around.
19. Teachers and professors
20. Tweed jackets with elbow patches
21. Scarves
22. Baseball movies
23. Dimmer switches
24. Sitting in the two seats at Cinemark or wherever where you can look over the railing at the people coming in. I don't know what it is about that spot but I get soft when I sit there.
25. The following voices: Adam Duritz, Ben Lesh, Ellis Paul, Sting (especially early stuff), Dane Castle (can sing my clothes off), Elvis Costello, Chris Robinson, Peter Gabriel, Fiona Apple, Simon & Garfunkel
26. Vinyl
27. Movie soundtracks
28. Sno-Caps
29. Swedish Fish
30. Any Ed Norton movie (even "Death to Smoochy")
31. Film Noir
32. Trivia of any kind. I won't stop until I find the answer.
33. Saturday Night Live re-runs. (Especially from the Belushi era.)
34. Beards
35. Natural bodies of water
36. The library
37. Mix tapes
38. Midnight walks
39. Road trips
40. Evenings in quiet, independent coffee houses
41. Live music
42. Challenging conversation
43. Argyle (sweaters, socks, whatever.)
44. Corduroy
45. The lingering smell of stale cigarettes
46. Autumn (especially late September)
47. Snow
48. Bumper stickers
49. Cult films
50. The jukebox.


cec said...

Me likey the :) I enjoyed that flannel made the list.

cec said...

Sorry, you are very forgetful! 10:00pm is perfect, it will give me a chance to watch another movie before it since I have 3 movies due to the library next Tuesday and I won't be able to watch any of them this weekend.

Minotaur said...

Farinacci's Pizza rules but keep it quiet. If it gets too popular it will be impossible to get in on a Friday night :)
Too bad they're closed this month..

Regarding trivia:
How is Lapsong Souchong processed in order to give it its distinctive smell?

Unknown said...

As someone who’s written wonderful words about the great music coming from singer songwriter Ellis Paul – first I’d like to tell you thank you. I’ve been Ellis Paul's friend and manager since 1992 and his music, words and friendship are jewels in my life. Upon examining the state of the music industry, Ellis and I have realized that far and away the most important connections that we have are not at all on the business side of the equation – it’s the people that love Ellis’ music. They’re more important than the biggest retailer or the most powerful radio station - so we’re starting a campaign to empower the people. Ellis’ new album “The Day After Everything Changed” was completely funded by his fans and is one of the finest he’s ever recorded. Many of Ellis' fans and folks passionate about great songwriting don’t even know that it’s been released. So if you’d like to help support a truly independent artist – here’s how. The lead single track on TDAEC is “Annalee”, and if you go to you can download “Annalee” for free. Unlike so many other free song offers – you don’t have to give us your email, sign up or register for anything at all. It’s free for the taking. The small favor we would ask? Please share it with any and all of your friends that would enjoy Ellis’ music. This would help our efforts and help spread the music. This truly is a campaign about the power of the people in the support of independent music and artists.

Please stay in touch.

And thank you.

Ralph Jaccodine, Manager