Monday, September 27, 2004

Rock it Off

Sweet time yesterday. (After my initial "first time in front of laptop writing important paper" shellshock.) I wrote three of my random papers and started to attack the big one, thanks to the kindly (and quite speedy) assistance of Lesh and Mulhall.

I rewarded myself with a free trip to the Rock Hall. I feel like a little girl there. I want to run around and touch everything, which is just not acceptable. The last time I went to the Rock Hall, a lot of John Lennon's writing was on exhibition. That whole room was an experience. I foolishly desire to have my poetry stored under glass one day. That's before I realize that I'm not John Lennon. I wrote about this in my livejournal, so I won't say too much more. I saw the glasses that he was wearing, but I won't say too much more about that either, for different reasons.

This time they had Supremes costumes in the same room that John's lyrics filled last time I was there. It felt strange- like I was cheating or something.

Tomorrow night is a full moon. My roommate tells me strange things happen under full moons. Right. Because strange things don't happen under half-moons. What do they call that other kind? Crescent? Waning gibbous? Waxing gibbous? Evs, yo.

I want the weekend. I feel like I eat my last supper every Sunday before I come back here.

October 15th, where are you?

Laurel Roether deviated something in my spine I think. That was one of the best hugs I've ever gotten. I keep track, too. I've got lists for everything these days. And everything's very clean at this desk.

I need to read something.

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