Sunday, September 19, 2004

Hold on, Voltaire

This week was a bit disappointing, and it culminated in a sudden trip home where my mother calmed my nerves and helped me prioritize everything that needs prioritize.
So I won't write for the Maelstrom this semester. I'm already in with the staff; I've got almost four years to revolutionize satire as we know it.

Theatre is different. You kind of have to keep putting your face out there, letting them know that you're interested. So I'm auditioning for two of our student-directed one-acts. One is called "Specter" and I've regrettably fallen in love with it, and how it makes me feel to read the girl's part. She's edgy, provocative, philosophical, sexy- all those things I wish I could be. Unfortunately, I promised myself that I would not become attached. I'm new, dammit. I need to start behaving like it. The other play is up in the air for me- the title is "It's Called the Sugar Plum" and it's very interesting, but the female role is not as appealing to me. Either way, I'll probably read for both parts. Out of 6 roles, 2 are for women. But that's a pretty accurate ratio as far as theatre goes.

As for Buzz TV, I'm doing it for credit so I'm pretty much stuck. Not that I mind, but it adds a few more elements of stress to my life. Here are a few of them:
1) No blanket license because we put our stuff on the web- so we can't use ANY music with a copyright. Hello, midi files!

2) The girl who forced her way into doing an interview for a segment of mine has yet to e-mail me her schedule- and we're slated to shoot before Wednesday. Ha. Fat chance.

3) I like my producer a little bit, so I'm going out of my way to make a good impression. He's 25, and I'm not really sure what he's doing here, but whatever. But I don't like him because that would be settling. I won't settle.

4) This is unrelated, but I wish I could have a car here. It would be so much easier. I could drive to Taco Bell and get a Crunch Wrap, or I could stop at the Regal Cinema or drive downtown to Indians games (I love baseball in the fall) or I could just run home one afternoon and check out the studio or get advice from my mom without having to inconvenience her by having her pick me up. Garr.

In other news, I forgot how much I enjoy "Swingers". It's funny to watch it now because that whole thing just died really quickly. But it was still sweet, and they had great shirts.

1 comment:

Marissa said...

Oh my! I'm soooo excited that somebody posed on this journal!!!