Monday, August 27, 2007

Brushing Past You

I just imagined, briefly, whilst brushing my teeth and simultaneously pacing circles around my apartment, that there is someone else in the world who similarly wanders during personal dental care processes. Perhaps one day I'll run into this person on a sidewalk. Shaken, we'll stare nervously at each other, toothbrushes hanging limply from mirrored cheeks. We'll want to smile then, and we will, but only for a moment, before our lips self-consciously suck themselves inward to avoid dripping fluoride-rich foam across the concrete. And then, just as suddenly, we will retreat on shuffling slippered feet, to spit.


riz said...

Scarily enough, I do this. No joke.

Anonymous said...

Hey, it's Mary. I was reading your top 5 cd list, then scrolled down and saw this post... I do the exact same thing! It's good to know I'm not alone. I simply cannot stand in one place at the sink, it's maddening. Ok bye. :)